Here Are the Fastest Mirrors To Download Debian, Ubuntu, and More of Your Favorite Open Source Projects

As xTom has grown throughout the years as an Infrastructure as a Service provider, it's been important for us to invest some of our resources back into supporting a free and open source internet.

Publish date: 9/25/2023

As xTom has grown throughout the years as an Infrastructure as a Service provider, it's been important for us to invest some of our resources back into supporting a free and open source internet.

After all, it's the very nature of a free and open source internet that made xTom possible in the first place.

That's why every single month we serve thousands of gigabytes of bandwidth across all of our global mirror servers to many different projects like Debian, Ubuntu, AlmaLinux, and more.

Don't just take my word on that, either...

In Hong Kong we average around 1 Gbps at any given time:

hong kong xtom bandwidth

Here's Estonia:

estonia xtom bandwidth

And then in Germany, we usually average over 1 Gbps:

germany xtom bandwidth

We have more mirrors than just those three locations, but I think you're getting the point here.

It's safe to say thousands of people benefit from our mirrors every single month, and we love to provide it.

In fact, what led to this post in the first place is that we had a bit of a hiccup on one of our mirror servers in Germany (a drive failed) -- and a user pointed out to that our mirror was the fastest they had ever used, and that they hoped it was fixed soon...

Specifically, "xTom's mirror is the only one which is accessible all the time, has good speed and it has been reliable on all ISPs in the past few years."

Here's the full quote:

Amin Vakil 14 Sep 2023 2:26 a.m. Hi, I'm just a normal user using, in the past few days there have been some problems with this mirror. It just timed out or returned 503 for a few days, and now it's been almost 12 hours which it has been out of sync. As it's a tier 1 mirror, I'm sending this email to see if administrator of the mirror replies if there's a issue and do they have a guess when it will be fixed, or if someone from archlinux staff knows about this. I can understand you may find this too much to report for a single mirror and why I haven't just switched to another one, but Internet is very bad in my country and this mirror is the only one which is accessible all the time, has good speed and it has been reliable on all ISPs in the past few years. Best Regards, Amin Vakil

Of course, we promptly fixed it for Amin.

But, that post made us realize we haven't really done a great job letting people know our speedy mirrors are even out there -- so we figured we should share our mirrors with you too!

Official Debian and Ubuntu Mirrors Powered by xTom

We power the official Debian mirror in Hong Kong (and we have since 2017), as well as the official Ubuntu mirror in Hong Kong and Estonia.

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For Chinese users located within the great firewall (accessing our mirrors with mainland China IPs), we partner with Tsinghua University and the University of Science and Technology of China to combat China's ICP License policy, helping keep the internet free and open source; as it should be.

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  • (xTom) ->
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What Other Locations Does xTom Provide Mirrors In?

You can download your favorite open source software or Linux distribution (including Debian and Ubuntu) from quite a few different xTom locations.

What All Open Source Projects Does xTom Provide a Mirror For?

We provide mirrors in all of our locations listed above for the following projects:

Interested in something that isn't on that list, or want your own project mirrored by us? Submit an issue here.

What Makes xTom's Network Better?

Well, for starters premium transit from Tier-1 providers such Arelion (Telia), Liberty Global, Softbank, NTT, IIJ, Telstra, GSL, China Telecom, China Unicom, China Mobile doesn't hurt.

Not many providers can post a list of transit providers that matches the quality of that list.

Of course, we have the standard boring policies like a 99.99% network uptime guarantee, or a 24/7 NOC (but, we actually have a 24/7 NOC and 99.99% uptime -- we don't just say it) but that doesn't mean much to you. Every other host has those same policies.

At the end of the day, the xTom difference comes down to the level of care and focus in our service. We don't cut corners.

We provide premium bandwidth blends (never oversold), powered by premium hardware, and a more than competent team behind it.

Our formula isn't sexy, but I think you'll find that it works quite well.

On the Note of a Free Internet…

At xTom we fully recognize there's a lot of benefit to an open peering policy -- we have over 2,000 IX peers.

Peering allows networks to directly exchange traffic without having to route it through a third-party transit provider. This direct routing can reduce the number of hops and the distance data must travel, leading to lower latency and faster data transfer.

By peering directly with other networks, a hosting provider can bypass potentially congested transit provider networks. Also, if one route or connection fails, traffic can be rerouted through another peered connection.

If you're a network operator, we will peer with you at any of our internet exchanges providing you fit the following requirements:

  • You use a registered public autonomous system (AS) number;
  • You publish valid contact information via PeeringDB
  • You maintain valid AS and prefix records with a public Internet Routing Registry (IRR).
  • A peer may only send toward us traffic intended for a destination network we advertise. The use of static or default routes toward us is not permitted.

The following standards are not required, but suggested, and we can configure them for you if you'd like:

Click here for more information on peering with us.

We Would Love To Help You Further

xTom provides many different networking and hosting related services and products for a very competitive price.

Our V.PS product line is our self-service consumer brand that's cheap enough for anyone to afford it -- all while running on the same premium xTom network and infrastructure.

Starter Essential Pro
€6.95 monthly €7.95 monthly €9.95 monthly
20 GB SSD or NVMe 30 GB SSD or NVMe 40 GB SSD or NVMe
1 TB Bandwidth 1 TB Bandwidth 1 TB Bandwidth
BGP Session & IXP Port BGP Session & IXP Port BGP Session & IXP Port
Order Now Order Now Order Now

We also provide:

The bottom line is big or small, if you need a digital presence on the internet, xTom is the right company for the job -- and we provide many different individualized solutions to help you accomplish that.

Please feel free to click here and contact us with any questions or inquiries (we provide support in more than one language).

Thanks for reading!